Starting with season 2016, the GliderTracking live page will no longer be in the air. Back in 2008/2009 we were the first to experiment with ADS-B tracking in gliders. The reason to go offline now, is because we want to focus on a new vision, and second because our tracking page didn’t offer the best user experience anymore compared to other new live-tracking websites and apps.
We succeeded in our first goal: making gliding more insightful and accessible to a larger audience. Our initiative acted as a catalyst in (amongst other things) creating gliders ADS-B equipped and the use of other tracking technologies. With much pleasure we’ve been giving informative presentations and technical help. Because of this, lot’s of Dutch gliding contests became aware of the crucial role of live-tracking. Also in that aspect we have gladly offered our help.
Nowadays, there are numerous websites offering live-tracking in a very good manner, more and more better than our proof-of-concept offered. Keeping our live tracking page online needs quite some energy and resources. So in the limited time we have left to spend on the GliderTracking project, we couldn’t really make good progress on new developments. Because of that, we decide to focus ourselves on a new goal:
“Combining different tracking technologies on one single platform, from which the data will be publicly available for developers.”
For now, the realization of this goal is completely open to ideas from the gliding community. Therefore, we want to organize a meeting/evening on Friday april 15th, in the restaurant “Thermiekbel” on the Dutch national gliding center Terlet. The idea, start with dinner and continue with a brainstorm session on how we can lift live tracking to the next level!
If you are interested in attending this evening, please signup here!
Update: In case you want to be added to the #Slack discussion group, please send a message with your email address.
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